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The sedona Women - Making a Difference
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Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

The Sedona Women — Community Service Opportunities

The Community Service Committee is excited about our upcoming calendar of events.

If you have an idea for a future project, please let us know.  The TSW general guidelines for a community project are below.  Also, The Sedona Women consider what projects are already committed on the calendar and the availability of volunteers.  

 1)  A clear, defined need; and         
 2)  An opportunity for our membership to participate in the execution of a worthwhile project, which in turn, offers members a 
platform to get to know each other better.   

We look forward to hearing from you or seeing you at one of our Volunteer Events below. 

Fill Snack Packs for School Children May 16

Here is another opportunity to help Manzanita Outreach reach their goal of becoming the first food-secure county in the nation. On Thursday, May 16th, we will help fill healthy snack packs that will then be distributed to school teachers throughout our community to provide snacks for their students who may come to school without breakfast. Or, we will be packing food for the weekly food sharing program.

We will gather at the Manzanita Outreach warehouse at 406 So. 6th Street in Cottonwood ready to start at 9:00am and finish by 11:30. If you can make it, please email Diane Troianello at to sign up.

The Sedona Community Food Bank Needs Your Continued Help!

Your Food Bank is always in need of non-perishables for those in need.  The Food Bank especially appreciates donations of condiments, cold cereal, Progresso soups, canned meats, juices, crackers and chips.  Drop food off at the Food Bank at 30 Inspirational Drive (note the new address) any Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday between 8am and 11am.

The Sedona Women 
PO Box 405
Sedona, AZ 86339

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